Adding fuel to the debate of whether it’s possible to enjoy frozen treats when it’s cold outside, G for Gelato (75 Jarvis St., at Adelaide St. E.) will be starting its pizza and gelato delivery in mid-February.
“I think gelato is a wonderful thing and I want to get the word out that people can not only order food from us, but also dessert,” says owner Shant Behesnilian. “I’ve been speaking with people from and and they said they’re focusing more on dessert delivery this year. I figured I should start delivering my gelato as well.”
Behesnilian is currently working on the delivery boundaries with both companies (he’s using both, and will likely be in the downtown core) but says that the gelato will be packed in Styrofoam containers and placed in coolers to ensure none of the 30 or so flavours (Ferrero Rocher and salted caramel are the most popular ones so far) will become soup on arrival.—Karon Liu
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